Sunday, March 07, 2010

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge

I took a slight departure from my usual and watched this series. It's a comedy with lots of cute bishies. The story revolves around four high school boys, with personalities akin to every boy band in existence, tasked with turning their landlord's niece into a beauty in exchange for free rent. Since the four of them are what every woman want, they think this will be an easy assignment.

When they meet Sunako, their dreams are hopelessly shattered. Their new charge is into very grotesque things (she likes to hide in the science room at school and cuddle skulls and specimen jars containing organs) and loses half her body weight in blood anytime she looks them in the eye. She eventually gets into a love/hate relationship with Kyouhei, the angry/bad boy member of the bishi quartet. 

All in all the series is cute and fluffy. Since it's a comedy be prepared for random stick figure animations and chibi size cutouts. I couldn't help but see Sunako as a Mary Stu during most of the series. In a lot of the manga I've read the female mangaka tend to draw themselves similar to Sunako and some of the side comments are dead on with her personality. 

Now I want to dig out my copy of Weiss Kruez....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger ended last weekend and a new series has begun. I loved this season and when I really love a season, I usually have a hard time liking the next. I can definitely see why, with waning interest in Power Rangers in general, Disney is not going to port over this series. The series is verify Japan centric, to westernize it would take higher caliber writers than they can afford to pay.

I'll be posting a season in review in the next few weeks on my thoughts about the season, but here's a snapshot of my impressions. The Red Ranger was definitely one of my favorites this past year, while the Blue and Gold rangers competed for the Most Over Acted Performance award. The Pink Ranger was very stereotypically calm and reserved, with the Yellow Ranger being a bit too timid for her color most of the time. The Green Ranger was just adorable with his contrary disposition.