Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Naming in Kamen Rider #2

Whereas most Kamen Riders in this series take up the name of their predecessor, Todayama Tomizo felt it wouldn't be right to take up the name of his master. In his eyes his master will always be Zanki. With the approval of Zanki, Todayama becomes Todoroki (轟鬼) "Roaring Demon." The real irony here is that of all the Oni seen on the show, he's beyond tone deaf despite his exceptional guitar strumming capabilities. His henshin device (transformation device) is a wrist band with with three small strings on it. Once they are strummed he raises it to his forehead revealing his Oni mark. His energy revolves around electricity and his weapon is a guitar (though it resembles a tapered shamisen more) narrowed to a point and bladed to form an axe or mace-like weapon. The first few missions he completed were completed fairly easily and he performed a post victory rift. After being called on this he stopped shortly thereafter as the battles were becoming increasingly difficult, simply not having the energy to show off. Posted by Picasa

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