Saturday, March 04, 2006

"Destroy" versus "Death" in Power Rangers

Ok, having deep thoughts about Power Rangers is like contemplating whether Moo Goo Gai Pan tastes like chicken or pork, however, I do find it interesting that not a single Ranger in the cast has ever "died" (Zordon doesn't really count). I thought they were getting somewhere in the first episode of Time Force when Alex "Died" but no no, he turns up again later with no real explanation on how he survived other than the fact that Jen didn't wait to find out whether he was actually dead or just unconscious.

I was torturing Kalinara tonight by showing her the first two episodes of the new Mystic Force season and a thought crossed my mind. (yes I know, a rare event.) Why does no one say "Die" in Power Rangers? Instead of saying. "I don't want to die." they'll say "I don't want to be destroyed."

To me, being destroyed is much worse, a fate worse than death in my mind, because you can still be "alive" and be destroyed; a mass of broken pieces that can never know peace.

So, Power Rangers teaches us that villains and heroes get destroyed as if both were inhuman devices with no souls and it's perfectly fine for both to be destroyed because they really weren't alive in the first place. Versus saying that life is organic and death is a possible reality.

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