Friday, December 23, 2005

A Look at Red #12

He wasn't hired for his brains ladies...

Character: Shane Clarke
Actor: Pua Magasiva
Ranger: Red Wind Ranger
Photo From: PRM Ninja Storm...

Ninja Storm was a great series, why? Because they make no qualms about the characters being dumb. The first three Rangers we see were chosen not because they were the best and the brightest. No, they were chosen because they were the last members of their school left, because they were goofing off and showed up after everyone was taken hostage.

Shane as a Red Ranger is naturally arrogent, however, he doesn't completely discount out of hand the members of his team. It takes him a couple of eps to realize they can work very well as a team, but he learns his lesson. So in a nutshell, he's sexy, he's red, and he can lead his team by being a contributing member. Posted by Picasa

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